When we first arrived Sister Catalina (the sister who runs the place) wasn't there so Lisa took us around with one of the other sisters. We visited the area where the babies live and went out to play with the toddlers. It was so hard to see all those babies and wonder what will happen to them.

Sister Catalina arrived and came up to meet us. She was so sweet! She loved hearing Sam's story and was really glad that he came back to visit. She was very grateful for all the things we brought. The economy there took a big hit like ours did and donations are not what they used to be. We spoke to Sister Catalina about the need of the orphanage, and what we could do to help. She thought for a while and then a big smile appeared on her face. She told us about a 16 year old boy, Jorge, who lived at the orphanage who is going to mechanic school. She said Jorge and Sam were about the same age and reminded her of each other. They needed funding to keep Jorge in school and to help when he was done. We thought it was a great idea. We had about $500 left from everyones kind donations and we had already spent about $500 on the stuff we brought. We decided to donate another $500 from my brother, sister and I. Michael ran to the ATM and took out the additional $500 and gave her $1000. Half of that money will go to take care of Jorges school and what he needs. The other half will be used for whatever Sister Catalina feels is most important. We got to meet Jorge. He was a very polit, shy young man. It's an amazing feeling knowing that you are making a difference in someones life.
Here is a photo of Jorge and Sister Catalina.

The staff was able to find Sam's file. Unfortunately there were no surprised in it. I already had all the papers that were in there.
Sister Catalina invited us into her office for a drink, (of orange soda). She must have know that it was Sam's favorite!

We took so many photos, I couldn't decide which ones to share. The slow speed of our internet access makes it a pain in the butt to upload a lot of photos. I tried twice to upload some, but keep getting failures, so I guess it will have to wait till I get home.
I am only one day behind on these updates. I can't believe that we are leaving tomorrow.
The spell checker isn't working, so please forgive the typos
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