From there we headed north to Mitad del Mundo, the middle of the world. Bruce and I had been there before but now that they found that the actual equator was not where they thought it was, there is a new tourist area. It was really interesting. We had an english speaking guide and they give you a lot of history of how different indiginous people lived. They also have a bunch of demonstrations/experiments that we got to participate in. One was to show that you are weaker when you are right on the equator line, one showed how you couldn't walk a straight line along the equator because the north and the south are both pulling you. Another was being ab le to balance an egg on the head of a small nail. Out of our whole group, Sam was the only one who could do it. He got a special certificate

After that we went to the original equator monument. We took a lot of silly photos, but this one was by far the best.

Don Wilson took us to a great place for lunch that had an awesome buffet. The food was great and we had so much fun. As usual, Michael entertained us. He was dancing and had us and other people in the restaurant cracking up.
On the way back we stopped at the Centro de Salud #8, the place where Sam was found. The center was closed but we took some photos and he at least got a chance to see it. It was the first time I had been there too and it was interesting to see.

Next, the orphanage!
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