Bruce and I adopted our son Sam in Ecuador in 1992. On November 5th, Sam and I are returning to Ecuador for a visit. My brother Michael and sister Janet are going to accompany us. Unfortunately Bruce isn't joining us due to health concerns. The city we will be staying in, Quito, is at a VERY high altitude (almost 10,000 feet) and since Bruce had trouble with his lungs last year he doesn't think it is a good idea to make the trip at this time. We will miss him A LOT! My plan is to update this blog every day, at least once. That way everyone can keep up with what we are doing. I plan to share lots of photos and knowing my brother and sister, i'm sure we will have lots of funny experiences and stories to share.
I want to thank everyone who has responded to our request for donations for the orphanage. My brother Michael has been amazing with getting his friends and co-workers to donate. If you haven't responded and want to donate, it is not too late!!!
If anyone has suggestions on things to do while we are there, let me know. I am planning our activities and would love some suggestions to add to my list.
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