Tonight I made one of my favorite meals. We call it Eduardo Pasta. Here is the story:
Several years ago I was the president of the local chapter of Stars of David, a Jewish adoptive families support group. I received a phone call from a woman from an exchange student organization who told me that she had found my name on the Stars of David website and she was in a bind and was wondering if anyone in our group could help her out. She was in charge of placing foreign students with host families in the United States. She had a young man who was scheduled to arrive from Italy the next week. The family that was was supposed to stay with were having some problems and couldn't take him. He has requested a Jewish family and she thought that someone from our group could help. It sounded like it would be really interesting, so I spoke to Bruce and we decided to host the young man, Eduardo. He arrived on a Friday, and we traveled to north NJ to pick him up. He seemed like a nice boy, and we had heard from the coordinator that he came from a VERY wealthy family. I remember googling his family and found out they had $$$$$$. From the time we picked him up he was on the cell phone to his father in Italy. We arrived home and he stayed outside for a little while talking on the phone and then Bruce and him went to the golf driving range.
We gave him his own room, with a sofa bed, and had explained to the coordinator when she came for a home inspection that we could get a bed in he was uncomfortable. To make a long story short, 3 days later I got a call from the coordinator asking me what was going on. Eduardo had been on the phone with his father telling him he had to get out of this "village". He said that our "village" was dirty, that we made him sleep with the dog, that "the boy" didn't speak English, and he couldn't share a bathroom with "that boy". Needless to say, I was speechless. I told her that she needed to get him out of our home as soon as possible. It was such a nightmare. The only good thing that came out of it was that he taught me how to make this wonderful pasta dish. It is so easy too!

1 comment:
That pasta does look delicious!
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