Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Shop till I ????

Well the holiday shopping has begun. Sam gave us a list of things he wants. I loved it when we could buy a bunch of crap from the dollar store. No chance of that now. Everything he wants is so expensive. I didn't realize that Hanukkah is only 3 weeks away. I don't want to be running around at the last minute. I still have no clue what to get for Rick and his family, but then again, I never know what to get for them. If I have time this weekend I will go out and hopefully get all the shopping done.

I am working on a recipe swap that I am participating in at the Scrappers Cove. I would love to do one with my friends. If anyone is interseted in doing a 6X6 recipe page swap, let me know. It is a lot of fun. I did a few swaps like this a few years ago and have 2 great albums, one for breakfast foods and the other for desserts. SIGN UP!!!! I will even help by hosting a scrapping day at my house.

I think we are going to Carmen's house tonight to drop off some tickets. I love spending time with her and especially her girls. Alyssa is SO much fun. Sam enjoys visiting them too.


Unknown said...

We love seeing you guys too! Alyssa was still talking about all of you this morning... especially her Bruce! Carmen

Dani said...

I would love to participate in a recipe swap does it matter that I'm so far away??