Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Last night I received bad news. My good friend Dawn passed away. It was sudden and unexpected. I am in total shock. I just can't believe it. When her sister Judy called to tell me I sat with my mouth hanging open.
Dawn was a dear friend. She was thoughtful and caring. I remember one morning when Bruce & I were driving to work. We passed her on RT 130 and saw her crossing herself as we passed. She didn't see us and I couldn't imagine what she was doing. When I spoke to her later I mentioned it and she laughed. She had seen a dead deer on the side of the road, and any time she saw a dead animal on the road she said a prayer for them. I thought that was so sweet.

I will miss her, probably more than I realize now. We would email each other many times a day and I know I will feel that void. She could aways make me laugh. Just last week I got a card and a gift from her through campus mail. The card said "Girlfriends Matter". Those words are so true!

1 comment:

Dani said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.